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Disabilities, Commission on Quality of Care and Advocacy for Persons with (NYC)
The NYS Commission on Quality of Care and Advocacy for Persons with Disabilities serves people with mental, physical, and sensory disabilities by providing independent oversight of the quality and cost-effectiveness of services provided to individuals with mental disabilities, and by promoting public policies that meet the needs and advance the rights of all persons with disabilities in New York State.
The Commission also serves as the State's Protection and Advocacy agency, and administers eight federal programs which provide legal and other advocacy services to persons with disabilities to assist them in obtaining the services and protections of federal and state laws. The Commission is assisted by a 19-member Advisory Council and the Mental Hygiene Medical Review Board.
Mental Hygiene Medical Review Board made up of volunteer physicians appointed by the Governor to provide expert advice on clinical issues and an Advisory Council, also appointed by the Governor, which assures broad stakeholder input to the Commission as it carries out its responsibilities under the Mental Hygiene Law. The functions, powers, and duties of the Commission are delineated in NYS Mental Hygiene Law Article 45.
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