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Disabilities, Putnam County Office for People with
We provide information, referral and advocacy for Putnam County residents with disabilities and their families. We welcome your inquiries and input with regard to issues and priorities for our residents with disabilities.
The Office administers the CENTRAL REGISTRY, a voluntary registry of people with disabilities residing in Putnam County. The Central Registry is a confidential database created and maintained for the purpose of planning for adequate and appropriate services for Putnam County residents with disabilities. We work cooperatively with the Putnam County Bureau of Emergency Services, as well as with other County departments to plan for people with special needs in the event of an evacuation or other emergency.
Special Assistance Notification Form
Central Registry Registration Form – When a completed registration form is mailed to us, we add you to our database. Please, remember, this process is voluntary and completely confidential. Registering with this Office also adds you to our confidential mailing list so we may send you our newsletter and other information of interest to people with disabilities.
The Office maintains a comprehensive and current resource guide with contact information for a variety of services for all types of disabilities.
The Council acts in an advisory role to the Putnam County Legislature with regard to issues concerning County residents with disabilities. Meetings of the Coordinating Council are open to the public and participation is welcomed.
Please visit our website or Contact us for more information:
TTY: 845-228-2386