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Disabilities, Yachad, The National Jewish Council for
About Yachad/NJCD
Yachad / NJCD is dedicated to enhancing the life opportunities of individuals with disabilities, ensuring their participation in the full spectrum of Jewish life.
Our membership is divided into three groups:
Junior Yachad (8 to 15 years of age)
Senior Yachad (16 – 25 years or age)
Rayim Yachad (26 years of age and above)
Yachad Programs:
Yachad Shabbatons – At a Yachad Shabbaton, each Yachad member is matched up with a volunteer Advisor. The Yachad participants and advisors are hosted in homes within the community or college campus. The Yachad members participate in the tefilla (prayer) service with the shul by receiving aliyot and giving dvrei torah in front of the shul. This gives them the oppurtunity to participate in religious ceremonies with the community members.
Yachad Local Events – Yachad local events always take place in collaboration with a school or synagogue in order for mainstreaming and inclusion to take place. In the past, we have had Purim carnivals, BBQs, day trips, Torah learning nights, and lots more. These events usually take place in a more intimate setting than our large shabbatons, and allow our Yachad members to form deeper bonds with the people they are meeting on our programs.
Senior Sundays Program – Each month the coordinators will call and let you know where the meeting point is going to be. It may be going out for a meal, going to a movie or a museum, or to play mini golf. As part of Senior Sunday’s we will be having a major trip day in the middle of the year, look out for details to follow.
All activities for Senior Sunday’s will have a monthly cost. You can choose which month you wish to participate in based on the activity.
Rayim Trips Program – The TRIPS program takes place one Sunday a month for the school calendar year. All participants meet at drop-off/pickup locations, and from there go to Brooklyn. From Brooklyn, those participating in the TRIPS program will travel together to the destination site.
The Trips program allows the Rayim members to take advantage of wonderful activities and opportunities that come with living in the New York Area. Some of the Trips include the Brooklyn Aquarium, Bowling, visiting the Sony WonderLab, participating in Earth Day activities, pedal boating, and a Rayim banquet.
Rayim members also have a chance to spend time with each other and participate in fun activities with their friends.
Cultural Arts Programs (CAP) – These programs are generally organized in coordination with a school, synagogue or community. The content of these programs varies widely. From arts and crafts and sports to movies and socializing, CAPs provide an opportunity for Yachad/NJCD program participants to get out, hang out and have fun. On the flip side, these programs also represent an opportunity for a school, synagogue or community to open up their doors and break down barriers. But while greater purposes may be served, at the end of the day everyone has a great time!
Rayim College Learning Program – Rayim Yachad members learn together with Stern College and NYU students in small groups once a week. Rayim members learn together with Stern College and NYU students in small groups once a week. The Rayim members meet with their college learning partner for ongoing Torah study. This program is for Rayim members who are interested in a serious learning environment and who can travel to the college site independently.
Please visit our website or Contact us for more information: