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Disability Concerns, Kansas Commission on (KCDC)
Mission (what we do) – KCDC is a catalyst for change in government for all people with disabilities.
The Vision of KCDC is people with disabilities are equal citizens and equal partners in society. KCDC focuses on partnerships, information, and referral at the state, regional, and local level. The Commission provides policy recommendations to the State of Kansas on changes to laws, regulations and programs that affect people with disabilities.
The Commission provides information to the public (communities and people) with disabilities on employment (work), school (to work or transition), home, play/community, youth issues, and disability history. KCDC is also an informational and referral resource for people who are not sure where to go for their problem or issue.
ADA Coordinator Locator
Please visit our website or Contact us for more information:
Relay Service: 711
Kansas ADA Coordinator:
Anthony Fadale
915 SW Harrison 6th Floor
Docking State Office Building
Topeka, KS 66612
Phone: 785-296-1389
Fax: 785-296-0043
Email Anthony
KCDC Offices: