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Disability is Natural
The mission of Disability is Natural is to encourage new ways of thinking about developmental disabilities, in the belief that our attitudes drive our actions, andf changes in our attitudes and actions can help create a society where all children and adults with developmental disabilities have opportunities to live the lives of their dreams, includes in all areas of life.
The Disability is Natural web site is brought to you by Kathie Snow and BraveHeart Press, Kathie’s family-owned small business. As a parent, author, and trainer, Kathie challenges conventional wisdom and promotes new attitudes, new actions, and common sense in the disability arena. Since 1991, she’s presented hundreds of seminars at conferences and meetings across the United States and Canada. Her first book, Disability is Natural: Revolutionary Common Sense for Raising Successful Children with Disabilities, was published in 2001, and is now in its second edition. It’s a ground-breaking manual for change that’s used by parents, professionals, teachers, and several universities. Kathie launched this website in 2001, along with a variety of products that promote positive attitudes and perceptions about disability, including the one-of-a-kind “Disability is Natural” DVD. She’s written hundreds of articles, many of which are included in her second book, 101 Reproducible Articles for a New Disability Paradigm. Her third book is Apple-Bites: Commonsense Disability Strategies for Everyone, a little book with big ideas! She’s currently working on several other books, including one for parents of babies and toddlers with disabilities, and one focused on the inclusion of people with disabilities in community activities, like churches/synagogues, recreational activities, and other ordinary environments.