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Disability Rights Center of Kansas
The Disability Rights Center of Kansas (DRC), formerly Kansas Advocacy & Protective Services (KAPS), is a 501(c)(3) public interest legal advocacy agency empowered by federal law to advocate for the civil and legal rights of Kansans with disabilities. DRC is designated by the State of Kansas the official Protection and Advocacy System for Kansas. As such, DRC advocates for the rights of Kansans with disabilities under state or federal laws (ADA, the Rehabilitation Act, Federal Medicaid Act, Kansas Act Against Discrimination, etc.)
DRC is also empowered by federal law to educate policymakers on needed improvements to the law, programs and public policy. DRC is also granted certain powers under federal law, including access to places where persons with disabilities are served, their records, the ability to conduct abuse, neglect, and exploitation investigations, etc.
What disability rights advocacy does DRC provide?
Intake and Assessment – DRC will provide an intake and assessment to determine what type of advocacy we can provide to you (legal representation, advocacy, technical assistance, or information and referral).
Legal Representation – A DRC attorney may represent Kansans with disabilities whose rights have been violated under state or federal law (ADA, Section 504, Medicaid Act, Fair Housing Act, etc.). and their issue fits within DRC’s priorities, scope, capacity, etc.
Advocacy Representation – Non-legal representation where a DRC advocate works with and on behalf of the consumer in their disability rights needs.
Self Advocacy – Providing assistance and support to help Kansans with disabilities advocate for themselves in their disability rights issues.
Information and Referral – Connecting Kansans with disabilities with others who might be better suited to address their issues (when the needs of the consumer do not fit within DRC’s priorities, scope, capacity, etc.).
Who is Eligible for DRC Disability Rights Advocacy?
Almost every Kansan with a disability rights issue is eligible for some type of disability rights advocacy (Legal Representation, Advocacy, Self-Advocacy, or Information and Referral). Some laws and policies limit DRC’s services to individuals that meet disability guidelines or specific needs. If we can’t help you, we will try to find someone who can.
DRC provides disability rights advocacy for the civil and legal rights of Kansans with disabilities, including:
Kansans with Developmental Disabilities.
Kansans with Mental Illness.
Kansans with Traumatic Brain Injury.
Kansans with disabilities who need access to Assistive Technology.
Kansans who are recipients of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or beneficiaries of Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) who experience disability rights barriers to employment.
Kansans with disabilities who need advocacy in order to exercise their right to vote under the Help America Vote Act.
Kansans with other permanent disabilities, whose disability was not caused by the aging process.
Kansans who are applicants or consumers of services funded by the Rehabilitation Act (Vocational Rehabilitation (VR), Independent Living Centers, etc.)
How does DRC decide if they will take my case?
DRC provides legal and advocacy representation to Kansans with disabilities. Because the disability rights representation needs of Kansans with disabilities are virtually unlimited, but DRC’s funds are very limited, these are the main factors we examine when deciding whether we can provide representation:
1) You must be a qualifying person with a disability and you must have a disability rights issue (your rights as a person with a disability under state or federal law have been violated – the ADA, Section 504, etc.).
2) DRC must have funding and staff time available to properly serve your advocacy needs.
3) Your advocacy or legal representation needs must fall within our Advocacy Priorities. A summary of our Priorities is in this document.
4) What are the facts? What is the law? Because of DRC’s limited resources, we focus on cases where both the facts of the case and the law involved are favorable, in order to increase DRC’s ability to have a positive impact with your issue.
Please visit our website or Contact us for more information:
Online Contact Form