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Disability Rights Montana (MAP)
Disability Rights Montana envisions a society where people with disabilities have equality of opportunity and are able to participate fully in community life by exercising choice and self-determination. The Mission of Disability Rights Montana is to protect and advocate for the human, legal, and civil rights of Montanans with disabilities while advancing dignity, equality, and self-determination. Disability Rights Montana provides information and referral, individual advocacy, legal representation, outreach and training, and systems advocacy. We have broad statutory powers to safeguard the rights of people with disabilities. Disability Rights Montana clients make their own decisions. We work to promote self-determination, personal autonomy, and self-advocacy. We advise and present options to clients in order to assist them in making their own informed choices. Congress recognizes that people with disabilities need advocacy and legal representation. Disability Rights Montana has the legal authority to serve almost any person with a disability when the issue they need assistance with is directly related to their disability. We represent children and adults with a wide range of disabilities including, but not limited to, those with cognitive, mental, sensory and physical disabilities. Today, more than 51 million Americans live with a disability. More than 150,000 Montanans, or 17 percent of our population, live with a disability.