Disability-at-work Parenting Guides for Career Development

Address: 360 West Washington Ave., Unit 1003
Madison, WI 53703
Phone: 608-442-0514 Fax: 608-442-0514 Email: jim@jimhasse.com Website: http://www.cerebral-palsy-career-builders.com

As a disability-at-work expert, I help parents use effective strategies in career development to prepare their youngsters with cerebral palsy for meaningful vocations and independent living.

Parents: Visit my website at http://www.cerebral-palsy-career-builders.com/disability-at-work.html for fresh content every day that will guide you in helping your youngster:

Become career ready during their school years.
Make a successful transition from school to work. Develop a meaningful vocation. Build an independent life.
And, to access all of my disability-at-work parenting guides (including my 14 books) for career development, see http://www.cerebral-palsy-career-builders.com/disability-at-work.html

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