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Diversified Transportation Services
Diversified Transportation was started in November 2001 to meet the demand for non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) by combining the founder’s skills, experiences and qualifications earned over 30 years here in DC METRO AREA with our strong entrepreneurial drive and a small budget. Over the years there have been lessons learned and best practices with persevering spirit ensuring that we continue providing you with top-notch, ADA-compliant transportation services.
Over the past nine years, we've been pleased to respond to your unique and routine ADA compliant transportation needs and these have truly been “diversified;”truly have been “diversified”;
Lobbying on Capitol Hill: providing special needs transportation services for American Heart Association – Research Saves Lives fly-in Lobby Day ongoing
Our current and past performance includes multiple DC Government Agencies: providing special needs transportation for disabled consumers at Dept. of Disability Services, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Child and Family Services Agency, and office of Risk Management some services ongoing
NEMT Metro-wide: experienced with ADA-compliant services to and from all major DC medical centers: VA Medical Center, Washington Hospital Center, Georgetown University Hospital, Sibley Hospital, Howard University Hospital
Museum Shuttle Services: we have transported clients to and from events at many Smithsonian Institution facilities including the National Building Museum, National Museum of American History, National Portrait Gallery, and American Art Museum
Chattered Bus Services through a teaming agreement, we are providing customized bus services featuring luxury vehicles [57-10 passengers]
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