Division for Developmental Disabilities (DDD) – Wheat Ridge Regional Center – Colorado Department of Human Services

Address: 10285 Ridge Road
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
Phone: (303) 463-2500 Fax: (303) 4632501 Website: https://sites.google.com/a/state.co.us/cdhs-regional-centers/wheat-ridge-regional-center

Mission:   Our mission is to offer people with disabilities the necessary supports in order to promote the personal values of individual growth, participation, contribution and capability.

Organizational Focus:  We serve the "hardest to serve" individuals with developmental disabilities living in Colorado. Admissions are for individuals with significant behavioral challenges, medical fragility and those who are a risk to the community and/or themselves. We provide emergency placements of short-term or long-term nature designed to support the community service delivery system.

We provide medical, psychiatric, psychological and therapeutic supports and day program services, as well as 24 hour residential care to 120 adults with developmental disabilities. These programs are offered in our 15 intermediate care facilities, also provided by us for the mentally disabled.

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