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Dorothea Dix Hospital
Our mission is to provide inpatient psychiatric treatment and care to consumers with severe and persistent mental illness who cannot be treated at the level of care in their local community.
Dorothea Dix Hospital provides psychiatric care to North Carolinians. We stabilize persons in crisis, assess our patients and provide medical care, psychiatric treatment and counseling. Our staff advocates for our patients and helps them to plan for their discharge and to make connections with the community. Dorothea Dix Hospital has adult admissions services, forensic services, a research unit, and a medical unit.
Help and support does not stop when a patient leaves the hospital. Continuing care is a vital part of the recovery process and is provided a part of the comprehensive treatment plan. Dorothea Dix Hospital, in collaboration with community-based mental health, developmental disabilities and substance-abuse programs and providers, works to ease the transition from hospitalization to the home and work environment. We encourage all patients and families to actively participate in their treatment and recovery plan.
Please see our website for details on our services.