Douglas County WrapArounD Program

Address: 100 Third Street
Castle Rock, CO 80104
Phone: (303) 663-6233 Fax: (303) 8140923 Email: Website:

"It’s all in the name – WrapArounD. A community wraps itself around a family or individual in need, providing unconditional and nonjudgmental care that will allow for everyone to benefit.

Wraparound is an ancient concept in some ways; from the beginning of time, communities have taken care of themselves, creatively solved issues and refused to give up on members. The formal concept of WrapArounD service provision developed about 30 years ago and was more about how to stop the money drain that occurs when minor children are placed out of their homes and sometimes out of state in an effort to address mental health, criminal or familial issues. WrapArounD pioneers recognized that the immense amounts of money spent on out-of-home placement could be redirected toward purchasing home-based services that would keep kids in school and attached to their families and communities. Even with many in-home services being purchased, the dollars spent were nowhere near the cost of out-of-home placement."

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