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Early Childhood Training Center – Nebraska Office of Early Childhood
Melody Hobson – Administrator
"The Early Childhood Training Center, part of the Nebraska Department of Education's Office of Early Childhood, provides the state leadership for the Early Learning Connection, Nebraska's early childhood professional development system. Together with the seven regional Early Learning Connection partnerships, an array of professional development options are accessible to early childhood teachers and caregivers from child care, Head Start, school-based early learning programs, to parents, child development experts, those who teach teachers and others who touch children's and families' lives.
The early childhood professional development infrastructure is supported through the following:
The regional Early Learning Connection Partnerships, grant-funded through the Nebraska Department of Education, offer the primary delivery of professional development activities.
Specialized training series, designed by the Early Childhood Training Center staff and consultants, and trainers certified for delivery of that training available for either statewide or regional delivery include: Environment Rating Scales Training, Early Childhood Management Training (child care in homes and in centers), early literacy and language, Safe With You, Early Learning Guidelines and active curriculum/assessment training, Early Childhood Coach Training, Child Care Health Consultation, and Home Visitation. Specialized trainers are also supported to deliver nationally designed training activities include the Teaching Pyramid, Heads-Up Reading, Special Care, and Mind in the Making (coming soon).
A Web-based calendar of early childhood and school-age (out of school-time) offers a searchable calendar of training opportunities statewide so can select a location near you.
Information and media materials are available to promote information sharing and skill-building of early childhood professionals and parents.
Toll-free child care consultation and technical assistance and child care selection assistance are available services to Nebraskans.
Early Learning Connection for Quality Portfolio is an introduction to child care staff in centers and home to engage in professional development, reflective activities and program quality improvement projects.
Professional development to support the statewide implementation of Results Matter is designed to enhance the skills of those implementing active learning curriculum, conducting authentic assessment and using the on-line assessment management systems."