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Early Connections:
Institute for Disability Studies – The University of Southern Mississippi
Early Connections operates as part of the Lamar County School District in partnership with the Institute for Disability Studies. The program provides early childhood education and developmental services across all income levels for children who are typically developing and children who have special needs. Early Connections provides the following: Early childhood teachers with degrees in child development and family studies and early intervention. Professionals that provide assistance to early childhood teachers, children and families including university professors, early interventionists, speech-language pathologists, occupational therapists, physical therapists and nurse practioners. On-site developmental screening. Access to parent enrichment activities. Families First Resource Center, Developmentally appropriate learning activities including music, art, theater, science and more. Children served – Early Connections serves children, both with and without special needs, ages 6 weeks to 5 years during school day and children 6 weeks through 2nd grade after school and during summer session