Easter Seals Camp Hemlocks

Address: 85 Jones Street
Hebron, CT 06248
Phone: (860) 228-9496 Email: awilliams@eastersealscfc.org Website: http://www.easterseals.com/cfc/our-programs/camp-hemlocks/?referrer=https://www.google.com/

Summer camp that runs from June 23rd-August 23rd for both adults and children ages 8-21 with varying physical and developmental disabilties. Residential and daycamp options along with respite options throughout the year.

Actvities on site include boating and fishing,archery,arts and crafts, sports, low ropes and climbing tower, music and drama.

Exciting evening activities include talent shows, game night dances and more.

Also year round Aquatics program with indoor pool 90-92 degrees open to public

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