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Easter Seals Vermont
Easter Seals Vermont offers practical, realistic assistance to foster parents, birth parents and kinship parents who are struggling to provide guidance and support to children who bear the emotional and behavioral scars of physical, sexual, and emotional abuse. The Easter Seals Step-Up Program in Rutland, VT is an intensive indepedent life skills preparation program for adolescent females aged 15 years to 21 years who require enhanced skill building training due to cognitive impairments or behavioral, social or emotional needs. This educational program offers year-round educational services in an independent school approved by the Vermont Department of Education for students in grades 6 through 12 who are residents in the Step-Up Program as well as those living in the local community who require our specialized educational services. Recognizing that many of our students have interrupted educational histories, it is our goal to bridge gaps and teach to individual strengths to move students forward in preparation for post-secondary education. The Easter Seals Camping Program at Camp Sno Mo in Gilmanton, NH offers six one-week sessions of overnight recreational opportunities for children and young adults with developmental, physical or emotional disabilities. Easter Seals camps provide accessible traditional summer camp activities including swimming, fishing, boating, arts and crafts, hiking and archery. Services are available to any Vermont family formed by adoption and those who have been awarded Legal Guardianship through Probate or Family Court. Easter Seals offers case management, advocacy, parenting support and information and respite opportunities.