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Edina Public Schools Special Education Services
Edina Public Schools provides a comprehensive program for students with disabilities. Services are provided to students who range in age from birth through 21. Most students receive services in their neighborhood school and when possible in their regular class setting.
Early Childhood Special Education
ECSE Coordinator, Kathryn Hagen
Phone: 952-848-4236
Fax: 952-848-4239
Programs include: Birth to Age Three and Age Three to Kindergarten Programs
The Birth to Age three program and Early intervention services are available for young children ages birth through age 2 years 11 months who meet criteria established by the Minnesota State Department of Education. A service coordinator facilitates service delivery as written in the Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP), developed by parents and service providers
The Three to Kindergarten Program – is an Early Childhood Special Education program that provides services for children from age three to kindergarten entrance who meet criteria established by the Minnesota State Department of Education. Services follow an Individual Education Plan (IEP) developed by parents and service providers.