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Education Service Agency, Berrien Regional (MI)
Berrien Regional Education Service Agency provides educational opportunities for children who encounter difficulties learning because of physical or mental impairments and disabilities.
Diagnostic &Therapeutic Services are also offered through Berrien RESA. Therapeutic services are provided to students who have a specific therapy prescribed in their Individual Education Program (IEP) during their school day. Services include speech, vision, occupational and physical therapy.
Early On Program – What is Early On?
Early On is the name for Michigan's early intervention system that provides services for infants and toddlers, birth to three years of age, with developmental delays and/or disabilities
Please visit our website or Contact Us for more information:
Berrien County – Public Schools Directory
Berrien Regional Education Service Agency:
Assistant Superintendent & Chief Academic Officer:
Eric Hoppstock
Email Chief Academic Officer
Tel: 269-471-7725 ext. 1342
Fax: 269-471-2941