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Educational Cooperative, High Plains (KS)
High Plains Education provides an appropriate education for exceptional students in Southwest Kansas. Special education programs serve students whose unique learning needs cannot fully be met without intervention. These students require specially designed instruction to enable them to achieve their fullest potential. High Plains currently serves 17 school districts and is on the leading edge of innovative practices. We believe that inclusive environments are critical for effective learning and teaching. HPEC Practices & In-services:
Assistive Technology
Behavior Management
AEPS Training
Routine Based Instruction
Primary Coach/Coaching Model
Least Restrictive Setting
Community Based Instruction
Reading Instruction
Individual Learning Plans
Academic Adaptations
Intervention Teaming
Formative Assessment
Mandt Training
Conflict Resolution / Mediation
Web-Based IEPs
Summer Academy
Categorical Meetings
Transition Services
High Plains Supports MTSS General Education Intervention – Kansas supports the use of school wide MTSS for providing general education intervention, (GEI). The system is designed on a three-tier system or both academic and behavior support. Using the MTSS model, students are provided support at varying levels depending on their needs. General education intervention places an emphasis on providing the intensity of instructional support in proportion to the presenting needs of children through methods of analyzing child data, implementing scientifically research-based interventions and monitoring child progress.
HPEC Support Services:
Speech/Language Clinician -Provides a related service through the identification of students with speech and language disorders; the diagnosis and appraisal of specific speech and language disorders; the provisions of speech and language services for the therapy or prevention of communicative disorders; and the counseling and guidance of parents, students, and teachers regarding speech and language disorders.
Audiologist -Provides a related service which identifies children with a hearing loss, determines the range, nature, and degree of hearing loss, including referral for medical or other professional attention for the habilitation of hearing; provides habilitative activities and hearing evaluations; and creates and administers programs for prevention of hearing loss.
Early Childhood Special Education Teacher – Provides a special education service through the identification of children with special needs at the early childhood level; the provision of early childhood special education services; and the counseling and guidance of parents, teachers, administrators and other EC service providers regarding early childhood special education services.
Occupational Therapist – Provide a related service for the remediation, restoration, or compensation for functions lost through illness or injury; the adaptation or modification of materials or equipment to give a student increased independence; the prevention of initial or additional deformity or disability through early intervention and programming; and the improvement of ability to perform tasks for independent functioning when functions are impaired or lost.
Physical Therapist – Provides a related service for the assessment of children and youth whose physical disability, motor deficit, and or developmental delay interfere with the learning processes and physical management of the school environment; the consultation and treatment of identified children and youth which may include training of developmental motor skills, ambulation and gait training, postural awareness, use of wheelchair, orthoses (braces), and other assistive devices.
Motor Specialist – Provides special education services to exceptional children. The major role of the specialist is to provide assessment; consultation for program planning and progress monitoring; and some direct service for instruction or case management purposes.
Interrelated Teacher – Provides special education services to exceptional children. The major role of the teacher shall be to support the student in the least restrictive environment by collaborating in providing instruction and to provide consultation to the regular education teachers.
Paraeducator- Assists in the provision of special education and related services. Although paraeducators are employed and assigned to a professional, paraeducators are expected to work with teams of educators to provide support services for students.
Gifted Facilitator – Provides individual or small group instruction for students identified as gifted. Gifted Facilitators support children with exceptionalities in the general education curriculum in consultation to support students in the least restrictive environment. Facilitators assess students to assist in determining student performance and appropriate services.
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