Elite Physical Therapy

Address: 5701 N 26th St, Tacoma North End Clinic
Tacoma, WA 98407
Phone: (253) 507-7450 Fax: (253) 507-7572 Email: NO EMAIL Website: http://www.eliteptwa.com/pediatric-therapy/

We are experienced in treating a variety of pediatric diagnoses, from generalized motor delay and torticollis, to cerebral palsy and pediatric sports injuries. Our therapists have spent time in both birth-to-three and school settings working on achieving improved motor skills through purposeful play, family education, and functional activities.

Pediatric therapy at Elite Physical Therapy is dynamic, engaging and fun!

Additional Locations:

Spanaway Clinic
Elite Physical Therapy 223
140th St S, Ste 700
Tacoma, WA 98444
Ph: (253) 531-5645
Fax: (253) 536-3467

Graham Clinic
Elite Physical Therapy 9909
224th St. E, Unit 100-B
Graham, WA 98338
Ph: (253) 780-4965
Fax: (253) 780-4981

Was Your Child's CP Preventable?