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Endependence Center, Inc
"The Endependence Center, Incorporated (ECI) is a consumer controlled, community-based,
cross-disability, non-residential, private, non-profit Center for Independent Living (CIL)
operated by and for individuals with disabilities in South Hampton Roads, including the
cities of Chesapeake, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Franklin, Suffolk, Virginia Beach and Isle of
Wight County. ECI provides an array of independent living services to individuals with
disabilities and to the community. The purposes of ECI are two-fold; to prepare individuals,
and to prepare the community for full integration of persons with disabilities into society.
These goals are accomplished by the following strategies: (1) the provision of direct services
to individuals with severe disabilities, that result in a greater level of independence and
community integration/ functioning (2) the provision of services/advocacy in the community
that result in a greater awareness of disability issues, physical and programmatic
accessibility and systems change."
TTY: (757) 461-7527