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Eureka Springs Transit System
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires us to provide comparable service
for individuals who, because of a mental or physical disability, are incapable of using
fixed-route public transit.
Paratransit services must be provided to disabled individuals who: (1) are unable, due to
disability, to board, ride, or disembark from buses…without the assistance of another
individual (other than the operator of a wheelchair lift or other boarding assistance
device); (2) need a wheelchair lift or other boarding assistance device to board, ride or
disembark from any accessible vehicle if the individual wants to travel at a time when
fixed route accessible vehicles are unavailable; or (3) can travel on a bus but cannot, due
to their disability, travel to a bus stop.
No passenger will be denied access to the benefits of the public transit system in Eureka
Springs because of any impairment, physical or mental.
LIFTS: All of our vehicles are equipped with lifts to make them accessible to
passengers unable to use the stairs.