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Exceptional Children, Kansas Council for (Kansas CEC)
Our Mission – The worldwide mission of The Council for Exceptional Children is to improve educational outcomes for individuals with exceptionalities.
CEC, a non-profit association, accomplishes its mission which is carried out in support of special education professionals and others working on behalf of individuals with exceptionalities, by advocating for appropriate governmental policies, by setting professional standards, by providing continuing professional development, by advocating for newly and historically underserved individuals with exceptionalities, and by helping professionals achieve the conditions and resources necessary for effective professional practice.
Our Beliefs
in advocating for the advancement of the education of individuals with exceptionalities.
all individuals have the right to an education.
all individuals have the ability to learn and attain self-fulfillment.
in equitable access to and meaningful participation in quality educational opportunities for individuals with exceptionalities.
in the development of preventative programs and services for children deemed to be at risk.
in the opportunity for lifelong education for all individuals with exceptionalities.
full participation of individuals with exceptionalities enriches all communities.
education is a collaborative effort among learners, educators, families, communities, governments, businesses, and industries.
CEC is THE professional organization of and for all special education professionals.
qualified professionals are essential to meeting the diverse educational needs of individuals with exceptionalities.
all special education professionals have a continuing responsibility to improve their practice.
CEC has responsibility to assist special education professionals in improving their practice.
special education professionals have knowledge and skills to share with education and other professionals to meet the diverse learning needs of individuals with exceptionalities.
special education professionals should practice in a manner consistent with CEC's Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Practice.
special education professionals have a responsibility to collaborate with other professionals who work with individuals with exceptionalities to improve the delivery of instruction.
governments have a responsibility to assure the provision of a free and appropriate education for all individuals with exceptionalities.
CEC is committed to an international orientation to all of its professional activities.
CEC shapes the future of education by fulfilling its mission.
Please visit our website or Contact us for more information: