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Exceptional Children, Michigan Council for
The Michigan Council for Exceptional Children is a state chapter of the National Council for Exceptional Children, and part of the national community of educators who are the voice and vision of special and gifted education. Our mission is to improve the quality of life for individuals with exceptionalities and their families through professional excellence and advocacy.
The MCEC has been a trusted voice in shaping special education policy and practice and has been known for its expertise and leadership throughout the education community in Michigan. Our diverse membership holds the vision that a vibrant professional association, that works together and with other associations, will ensure that individuals with exceptionalities are valued and included in all life roles from birth through young adulthood.
The MCEC Foundation for Exceptional Children
The Foundation was created in 2001 by the Michigan Council for Exceptional Children to provide support for educational opportunities (e.g. transportation, special equipment, tutoring or tuition) for students with exceptionalities continuing with their education.
This scholarship program is intended to provide support for educational and training opportunities for students who are no longer eligible for special education or Section 504 program services provided by resident school districts due to graduation or reaching age 26.
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