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Family Health, KS Bureau of (BFH)
Bureau of Family Health Mission: Provide leadership to enhance the health of Kansas women and children through partnerships with families and communities.
Children’s Developmental Services: The goal of Children’s Developmental Services is:
to ensure the identification of newborns with specific conditions leading to developmental delay and/or disorder;
to promote the early identification of developmental delay and/or disorder; and
to promote the provision of early intervention services for newborns, infants and toddlers with developmental delay/disorder and for their families
Kansas Infant Toddler Services: (authorized by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act – IDEA Part C) is administered by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE). KDHE provides grants to local networks to assist in maintaining and implementing a statewide system of coordinated, comprehensive, multidisciplinary early intervention services for infants and toddlers with disabilities (birth through 2) and their families. KDHE is responsible for assuring availability to eligible children and their families excluding those at-risk.
What are Part C early intervention services?
Family training, counseling, and home visits
Special instruction
Speech-language pathology and audiology services, and sign language and cued language services
Occupational therapy
Physical therapy
Psychological services
Services coordination
Medical services as needed for diagnostic or evaluation purposes
Early identification, screening, and assessment
Health services necessary to enable participation in other services
Social work services
Vision services
Assistive technology devices and services
Transportation and related costs to facilitate participation
Kansas Infant-Toddler Services: Part C of the Individual with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a statewide program designed to enhance parent’s ability to care for their children 0 through 2 years of age that experience disabilities or developmental delays by providing special services to the child and family. Kansas Infant-Toddler
Services are provided at no cost to any family who has a child that is eligible. Services are provided through local agencies in the child’s natural environments (place where a child normally spends time) by highly qualified professionals. An IFSP (Individualized Family Service Plan) is developed by a family service coordinator, the family, and other service providers. This IFSP serves as the tool from which services are delivered. Family input is very important in the development of the IFSP. A major focus of the Kansas Infant-Toddler Services/tiny-k program is that services are family-centered; that is, they emphasize parent choice, a strengths-based perspective, and recognize the family as a unit. Families may accept these services or they may decline any or all services if they wish.
Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs Services:
Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN) promotes the functional skills of young persons in Kansas who have or are at risk for a disability or chronic disease by providing or supporting a system of specialty health care. The program is responsible for the planning, development, and promotion of the parameters and quality of specialty health care for children and youth with disabilities in Kansas in accordance with state and federal funding and direction.
Mission: To promote the functional skills of young persons in Kansas who have a disability or chronic health condition.
Goal: By providing or supporting a system of specialty health care.
Make a Difference Information Network:
A toll free help line answered from 8 AM to 5 PM, Monday through Friday on regularly scheduled work days. An expanded listing and range of services available in Kansas is available at this site. The Web site provides links to preventive, diagnostic, ongoing life time care and community resources for Kansans with and without a disability. If busy, your call will go to voice mail. Please speak clearly leaving a short message with your name, who/what you are calling about and a phone number with area code.
An email address to post questions is available at:
Diagnostic Services:
Limited to a one time evaluation to determine if medically eligible, without regard to family income, for Kansas youth under the age of 22 years. Prior authorization is required and may be obtained by phone or letter from program staff. Consultations must be scheduled with CYSHCN contracted specialty providers. Second opinions are not covered. The application process must be completed if medically eligible before additional services will be authorized.
Treatment Services include medical specialty care in an outpatient setting. Services may include hospitalizations, surgery, durable medical equipment and medications related to the eligible condition. A limited amount of physical therapy, occupational therapy is provided for eligible conditions?
Case Management Services include s developing an individual health care plan for each person eligible for CYSHCN services. Phone conferences with professionals and/or family members to match “needs” to resources is provided.
Please visit our website or Contact us for more information:
Children’s Developmental Services (CDS):
CDS Webpage
Phone: (785) 291-3368
Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN):
CYSHCN Webpage
Phone: (785) 296-1313
Bureau of Family Health:
BFH Staff Directory