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Family Involvement Center – Information and Support Services
Family Involvement Center (FIC) is a not-for-profit, family-run organization that was founded by Jane Kallal in 2002. FIC provides a wide variety of supports and services delivered by trained parents who have lived experience and who understand the unique challenges these children and families face.
FIC offers support groups and training, youth programs and mentoring, and operates a toll-free, state-wide warm line that offers technical assistance, information and referral and more. Group topics and trainings cover many subjects such as parenting challenging children, navigating the IEP process, bullying, transitioning a child with disabilities to adulthood and more. Our goal is to provide compassion, to share knowledge based on our own experiences and training that will make your journey easier and to help you connect with other parents and families so you can build your support network. Programs and Services Family Involvement Center provides information, support, resources and parent education for parents/caregivers raising children with emotional, physical and behavioral health care needs in Phoenix and Northern Arizona.
FIC is staffed by parents with lived experience raising children with these needs who offer understanding and compassion while helping families locate appropriate resources.
FIC workshops offer training in skills such as parenting, effective communication, collaboration and non-adversarial advocacy techniques.
Support groups for parents/caregivers, grandparents and Spanish-speaking families provide the opportunity to share lived experiences and to learn together while building a community of support.
Trainings/workshops and support groups for parent partners, family support partners and parent leaders offer a way to connect professionally and personally and to collaborate in our efforts to improve outcomes for children.
Our newsletter, The Family Voice, reaches more than 1,000 parents and professionals and social media blasts are shared with a growing list of community supporters.
Parent-to-Parent support has always been at the heart of what we do at Family Involvement Center.