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Family Resource Connection of the New Hampshire State Library
In 1996, Family Resource Connection (FRC) he was launched as a collaborative effort of New Hampshire Departments of Health & Human Services, Education, and the NH State Library—as a statewide library and clearinghouse, whose primary mission was to serve the needs of NH’s children by means of providing information, resources, and support for NH families, caregivers, educators, and other professionals concerning aspects of caring for, educating and raising children—with an emphasis on children with special needs.
Over the past ten years, the success of FRC’s program is a direct result of Alice Nye’s (pioneer coordinator) dedication and effort, combined with the visionary support of FRC’s Advisory Board and its funders.
Family Resource Connection would like to acknowledge all its NH Connections—the many organizations and programs (and the individuals within these groups) throughout the state that have contributed support (financially and/or collaboratively) to the cause of providing assistance to the care, education, development and health of NH’s children."