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Family Support Center of New Jersey – Manasquan NEW JERSEY
The Family Support Center is a clearinghouse of up-to-date information on a national, state and local family support programs, services and disabilities. The Center offers a "One-Stop-Shopping" approach to individuals seeking information on disabilities and services by providing them with easy access to a comprehensive array of services.
The Family Support Center (FSCNJ) was established in 1994 to provide information and referral on family support programs and services to families caring for a child with a disability, medical condition, rare disorder or other special needs. FSCNJ responds to the needs of families who are experiencing emotional distress and feelings of isolation, lack of information surrounding their child’s development and the services available to them. The Center operates a statewide toll free number (1-800-FSC-NJ10) for family members, professionals and other interested individuals to call for access to a broad array of support services.
Family support is not a single service, but rather a flexible and varied network of supports that can change with individual family needs. Family support often makes it possible for families with children with disabilities to just be a family. Support components include the NJ Parent to Parent program; a library and database of both state and national services and resources; informational workshops for families; training for families and professionals, cash subsidies and guardianship stipends, coordination of the National Caregivers Conference, the development of a private provider database and the reproduction and distribution of the OPTIONS manual. This website is funded in part through a contract with the New Jersey Division of Developmental Disabilitites.