Family Support Network of NC (FSP- NC)

Address: 325 Pittsboro St, CB# 3550
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3550
Phone: (919) 966-2841 Email: Website:

Family Support Network of NC  (FSP- NC)
School of Social Work
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
325 Pittsboro St., CB# 3550
Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599-3550
Phone: (919) 966.2841
NC Local Affiliate Programs/Contacts:
FSP-NC Website:

Central Directory of Resources (CDR)
Phone: (800) 852.0042
Email CDR:
CDR Website:

"The Family Support NetworkTM of North Carolina is a statewide logonetwork of affiliated local programs. Families benefit from the help and support that other families can provide and from  information about  their child's special needs and available resources. With this information, families can make informed decisions about services and support.

How can the Family Support Network of North Carolina help you?
   Put you in touch with other parents with similar experience
   Provide a ""listening ear""
   Help you become a volunteer Support Parent
   Connect you to resources in your community
All services are free and confidential

Central Directory of Resources (CDR):(Please see ""CDR"" Website for details)

Does your child have special needs?
Do you need help in finding information, resources, and services?
Do you want to know more about a disability or a diagnosis?

We are here to help. The Family Support Program at the School of Social Work is committed to assisting families with children who have special needs.

You can:
   find information about diagnosis and conditions
   find resources about issues of interest to families and service providers
   connect with other families through your local Family Support Network affiliate

Was Your Child's CP Preventable?