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Family to Family of Rhode Island
Family to Family of Rhode Island is a network created by families for families of children and adults with special needs. We offer opportunities for families to connect with one another to share experiences, information, and/or support. Family to Family of Rhode Island is sponsored by Family Voices of RI and the Paul V. Sherlock Center on Disabilities. We, as families of people with special needs, often find that our best source of information, resource and support comes from other families who have lived with similar experiences. Family to Family of Rhode Island is now making available several simple ways to connect with other families. If you want to connect to another family, one-on-one, you can search the Family to Family Directory which lists families' names, towns, contact information, age and special need to family member, and areas of experience. Listed families have agreed to share their experiences with other families seeking support or information. You can also connect to families by joining a yahoo group specifically set up for families of people with special needs.