Fayette CARE Clinic, Inc

Address: 1260 Hwy 54 W., Suite 101
Fayetteville, GA 30214
Phone: (770) 719-4620 Fax: (770) 4874645 Email: info@fayettecareclinic.com Website: http://www.fayettecareclinic.com/

The FAYETTE C.A.R.E. CLINIC is a non-profit organization created to provide primary health care to members of our community who lack access to such services..

The Fayette C.A.R.E. Clinic relies solely on private and public donations. The clinic is under the supervision of an experienced board of directors, who provides management and financial expertise including the allocation of funds.  Skilled, licensed health care   providers volunteer their services toward a variety of health care needs.  The day to day operations of the clinic are the responsibility of a four member staff: Executive Director, Office Manager, Data Administrator, and C3 Coordinator. 

The mission of the Fayette Care Clinic is to promote health and well being for Fayette County’s uninsured and working poor through compassionate medical, dental, vision, dermatology, cardiology, physical therapy, education, prevention, and referrals providing a gateway to other community services..


To fill a gap in our health care system
Provide preventive care reducing the potential of a health crisis
Provide the needed care and medications which treat long-term illnesses
Provide a safe medical environment for the working uninsured where they are treated with compassion and respect

Was Your Child's CP Preventable?