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Florida Department of Education
"The DOE serves as the single repository of education data from school districts, community colleges, universities and independent postsecondary institutions – allowing us to track student performance across time and varying education sectors.
We administer a statewide reading initiative for Florida’s public schools, and among community groups and volunteer organizations that support them, with a goal of having every child able to read at or above grade level by the year 2012.
We supply more than 2.6 million students, 3,800 public schools and 318,000 full-time staff with the necessary supports and services. We serve more than 180,000 teachers in the state.
One of our functions is to enhance the economic self-sufficiency of Floridians through programs and services geared toward workforce education, apprenticeships, job-specific skills and career development. Our Department manages programs that assist individuals who are blind, visually-impaired or disabled to succeed either in the school setting or in careers – encouraging independence and self-sufficiency."