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Florida Epilepsy Services Program
Bureau of Chronic Disease, Prevention and Health Promotion – Florida Department of Health
Chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes are among the most prevalent, costly, and preventable of all health problems. In Florida in 2007, almost one of every three deaths was due to heart disease and stroke, and almost one of every four deaths was due to cancer. However, consideration of deaths alone severely understates the burden of chronic disease. The prolonged course of illness and disability from chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and arthritis results in extended pain and suffering as well as in decreased quality of life for thousands of Floridians. Our state cannot reduce its enormous health care costs, much less its priority health problems, without addressing the prevention of chronic disease in a fundamentally more aggressive manner.
Established in March 1998, the Bureau of Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion has expanded its capacity to provide a comprehensive approach to preventing, detecting, and reducing complications of chronic diseases in Florida. The bureau currently houses the following programs: Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention, Healthy Communities Healthy People, Diabetes Prevention and Control, Comprehensive Cancer Control, Breast and Cervical Early Detection, Arthritis Prevention and Education, and Epilepsy Services. The bureau receives funding from a variety of federal and state sources, including the Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, state trust funds, and general revenue.