Florida Office of No Child Left Behind (NCLB)

Address: 325 W. Gaines Street, Suite 1514,, Turlington Building
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0400
Phone: (850) 245-0657 Fax: (850) 2459667 Email: nclb@fldoe.org Website: http://www.fldoe.org/nclb/

Florida Department of Education

On January 8, 2002, NCLB was signed into law. Americans united behind a revolutionary idea: every child can learn. The law confirms that as a nation, we will not accept a public school system that educates only a portion of its children. NCLB recognizes what truly makes a difference in providing a quality education. It calls for a highly qualified teacher in the core subjects in every classroom; the use of proven, research-based instructional methods; and timely information and options for parents. Schools that underperform are held accountable, providing their students with free tutoring or transfer to a better performing public school. In other words, children’s education needs are placed first—where they belong. 

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