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Florida & Virgin Islands Deaf-Blind Collaborative
The Florida and Virgin Islands (FAVI) Deaf-Blind Collaborative team are five professionals who combine our backgrounds of education and experience to develop trainings and resources that benefit Florida’s children, young adults, families, and educational teams affected by deaf-blindness. We also work together to develop individualized, child-centered solutions that address the strengths and needs of children and young adults with deaf-blindness throughout the state. FAVI Services The FAVI Deaf-Blind Collaborative is a technical assistance and dissemination project funded by the US Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP).
Technical Assistance (TA) strategies include:
– Site visits / classroom Home / community visits Face-to-face consultation Telephone / email / distance consultation Loan of Materials – research/evidence based published materials
– In-service training workshops
– Statewide training workshops Information regarding state and national resources Any combination of the above strategies
Eligibility for FAVI Services
People We Serve Children and young adults with both hearing loss and vision loss, with or without other disabilities, are the ‘children with deaf-blindness’ served by the Florida & Virgin Islands (FAVI) Deaf-Blind Collaborative. The Florida and Virgin Islands (FAVI) Deaf-Blind collaborative serves children and young adults,aged birth through their 22nd birthday,who have both a hearing loss (or Central Auditory Processing Disorder, CAPD)and a vision loss (or Cortical Visual Impairment, CVI) The FAVI Deaf-Blind Collaborative provides services to children and young adults with deaf-blindness, their families, and their educational teams. Make a referral or request assistance!