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Fond du Lac Transit
The Mission of Fond du Lac Area Transit is to provide options in safe, reliable and convenient transportation to the citizens of Fond du Lac and the surrounding area. If you're age 65 or older or a Disabled Citizen, you're eligible to ride for 75¢ all day on all regularly scheduled FDLAT Bus Routes. All you have to do is provide proof of age/disability and complete the registration form to get your FDLAT Reduced Fare Card. Then, just show your card to bus drivers when you pay your fare. Nothing could be easier!
Medicare Card is also recognized as a reduced fare card. There is no further need to prove eligibility if you have a Medicare Card. Fond du Lac Area Transit, in a joint and cooperative effort with the City of Fond du Lac and Fond du Lac County, is proud to offer a truly affordable transportation alternative for those citizens who are unable to use regular transit service. The service is called HANDI-VAN a wheel chair lifted equipped van service. All individuals must meet the Americans with Disabilities Act Paratransit rules. Certification is required. If you are not certified, please complete the online form and submit to us. THE CURB-T0-CURB SERVICE is to all areas within the Fond du Lac corporate limits, plus the village of North Fond du Lac.
Handivan ADA/Disabled Services: (920) 929-3110
JOBTRANS Shared Ride Taxi Services: (920) 322-3656
Mailing Address: PO Box 150, Fond du Lac, WI 54936-0150