Free Rein Therapeutic Riding

Address: 8118 S Ramona, PO Box 30893
Spokane, WA 99223
Phone: (509) 979-1468 Email: Website:

Free Rein was founded in the summer of 2008 in order to provide a facility where those with physical, mental or emotional challenges could experience the profound benefits of therapeutic horseback riding in the Spokane area. The riders in our program are very diverse. There goals range from strengthening muscles and improving balance to problem solving and developing better focus and  communication skills. The use of horse is an amazing tool; horseback riding can improve body strength and balance; controlling an animal as large as a horse can increase confidence and motivate riders to progress their skills beyond where they thought they could. These newfound skills, strength and confidence very often carry into the rider's everyday lives. Our goal at Free Rein is to provide a positive therapeutic environment for riders, their families, and our volunteers to learn, grow and build relationships in a caring, compassionate and fun atmosphere. Currently we serve approximately 62 riders, with a goal to steadily grow the program to serve up to 120 riders.

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