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Friends of Disabled Adults & Children – FODAC – Free Durable Medical Equipment Provider
FODAC’s mission is to provide durable medical equipment (DME) such as wheelchairs and hospital beds at little or no cost to the disabled and their families. We seek to enhance the quality of life for people of all ages who have any type of illness or physical disability. Since 1986, FODAC has collected and distributed more than 35,000 wheelchairs!
Friends of Disabled Adults & Children FODAC provides over $9 million each year in equipment and services to the community at little or no cost to the recipients. FODAC is a 501(c)(3) and does not have direct funding from Medicare/Medicaid for the services offered. Most equipment for people with disabilities is issued for a suggested donation but some services have mandatory fees. FODAC operates as a “green” company, leading the way in recycling and reuse in the DME community; the organization takes donations of used DME, no matter the condition, and annually recycles over 185 tons of metal and batteries.
For people with permanent or temporary disabilities, wheelchairs, home ramps and vehicle modifications remove the limited mobility barrier.
Some of Our Services:
Durable Medical Equipment
Medical Supplies
Vehicle Modifications
Home Modifications
Statewide partners (Georgia)