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Gateways Community Services
Gateways Community Services is a private non-profit corporation created in 1981 to establish and maintain programs and services which promote growth and independence for individuals with developmental disabilities. Gateways delivers services for nearly 2,900 individuals with disabilities, families coping with autism, and seniors in need of care. We bring high quality services to residents in Amherst, Brookline, Hollis, Hudson, Litchfield, Mason, Merrimack, Milford, Mont Vernon, Wilton, and Nashua.
Family Centered Early Supports & Services (FCESS) provide services to children who are experiencing developmental delays from birth to three years of age and their families. Our services include a developmental evaluation, therapeutic interventions, guidance, instruction, referral to community resources and emotional support.
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Family Support
The Family Support team works collaboratively with all of our families to empower them to lead meaningful, independent lives and participate in their communities in the ways they choose.
We do this by working directly and in partnership with other agencies in the community to provide opportunities, education, information and other resources. We are committed and dedicated to providing quality, innovative and personalized supports to families.
If you have a developmentally disabled family member who is eligible for Gateways Community Services services, and that family member lives at home, the individual and their family are eligible for Family Support services.
Family Support Services
Respite Care – A break for caregivers, and a special outing for the individual.
Environmental Modifications – Modifications to homes and vehicles.
Respitality – A special night away for caregivers.
Campership – Information on camps that support individuals with disabilities.
High School Transition Services – Working with families and students to transition from high school to adult life.
Family Support Advisory Council- A council of family members who provide guidance to the Family Support department.
Discretionary Funds – Family Support Advisory Council funds available by application.