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Georgia CHIP Program – PeachCare for Kids
Affordable health insurance for Georgia's uninsured children. Free or low-cost health insurance for children.
PeachCare for Kids® began covering children in 1999, providing comprehensive health care to children through the age of 18 who do not qualify for Medicaid and live in households with incomes at or below 235% of the federal poverty level. This means a family of three can earn $44,868 a year and a family of four can earn $54,180 a year.
There is no cost for children under age six. Currently, the cost per month for PeachCare for Kids® coverage is $10 to $35 for one child and a maximum of $70 for two or more children living in the same household. Once you complete the application, information about paying your premium will be displayed.
Beginning April 1, 2012, you will have a co-payment for some medical services in the PeachCare program, if your child is 6 years of age and older.