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Grand River Grassland
South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks has four GPA’s that have been designed, modified and signed as areas providing exemptions to vehicle access for individuals qualifying as "hunters or outdoor enthusiasts with disabilities." The following are the designated areas:
1. Badger GPA (1,160 acres) in Lawrence County near Spearfish. This area is located 3 miles west and 2 miles south of Spearfish. Areas scenic beauty and seek deer, elk, and turkey.
2. Carpenter GPA (1,209 acres) in Lyman County near Chamberlain. This area is adjacent to the Missouri River (Lake Francis Case) 1 mile west, 1 mile south, 2 1/2 miles west, and 3 miles south of Oacoma. Combination of row crops, grassland, shelterbelts, and river breaks Enjoy the areas scenic beauty and seek deer, pheasants, grouse, and coyotes.
3. Long Lake GPA (358 acres) in Jerauld County, near Wessington Springs This area is located 7 miles west and 6 miles north of Wessington Springs. Outdoor enthusiasts may seek deer and waterfowl.
4. Mydland Pass (Lynn Lake) GPA (1,470 acres) in Day County near Webster This area is located 9 miles west and 2 miles north of Roslyn. Variety of waterfowl, shorebirds, and song birds Deer and waterfowl in the area. The four designated disabled access areas will permit access with all-terrain vehicles (ATV) or other vehicles on special designated roads and trails for those individuals with a disabled hunter permit. These access trails have been selected for ease of access, adequate pull-off areas, and are located in areas where a person will likely have an opportunity to view various wildlife species.