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Greater Daytona Regional Transportation Authority (RTA)
RTA operates 29 routes throughout the greater Dayton region. We provide conveniently located transit centers and Park-n-Ride lots, as well as more than 50 token and pass sales outlets. All RTA buses include bike racks and are wheelchair accessible. RTA is committed to providing quality transportation to everyone in the Miami Valley. Since 1977, the RTA has offered Project Mobility paratransit service which provides public transportation for people who are functionally unable to ride RTA fixed routes because of the severity of one or more of their disabilities combined with environmental barriers. Project Mobility service is available upon completion of a Project Mobility application and certification through the Project Mobility Certification Center. Once you are certified to use paratransit, under the guidelines of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), you are eligible to ride Project Mobility. Project Mobility Paratransit: Certification Center: (937) 425-8301, Reservations: (937) 425-8300, press option #2.
Paratransit Bus Dispatch: Project Mobility Bus Driver (PMOB): (937) 425-8398, Reservations & Scheduling: (937) 425-8300 / TDD: (937) 425-8388