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Green Mountain Transit Agency
"GMTA is the public transportation provider for Washington, Lamoille, Franklin/Grand Isle, Mad River Valley and the towns of Washington, Orange and Williamstown, serving the mobility needs of our community through safe, efficient and environmentally sustainable transportation solutions. Our services are intended to strengthen our communities and provide connections to the region at large. GMTA provides services to and collaborates with many human and social service agencies in the regions in which we serve. GMTA prides itself on being an organization that provides linkages with other agencies through the provision of transportation services for those most dependent.
ELDERLY & DISABLED SERVICES: These services are provided through a grant known as the Elderly and Disabled transportation program through the state of Vermont. Elderly and Disabled (E & D) funds support meal site, shopping, non-Medicaid medical and basic transportation needs for the elderly and people with disabilities. Distribution of these funds is allocated to each program through the determination of the REDPAC (Regional Elderly and Disabled Program Advisory Committee) on an annual basis. E&D funds are used to support services such as those listed below: Non-Medicaid Medical; Critical Care; Meal Site & Shopping Service; Ticket to Ride (TTR); Project Independence; Reach-Up Program; Medicaid Transportation Program. "
Vermont Relay Service: (711).