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Greensboro Cerebral Palsy Association
"The Greensboro Cerebral Palsy Association, Inc. (GCPA) is a North Carolina nonprofit corporation founded in 1951. We are located in Gateway Education Center, 3205 East Wendover Avenue, Greensboro, North Carolina. Gateway is a public school serving a developmentally delayed student body aged three through twenty-one. Gateway Education Center.
What we do: (Please visit our website for details)
We conduct an early intervention program in the areas of cognition and therapies at Greensboro’s Gateway Education Center, for twenty-eight multi-disabled infants and toddlers with severe developmental delays, aged birth to three. The program operates in four classrooms, seven hours per day, five days per week, during the school year. We seek to serve only those children with the most involved disabilities, and our children typically fall within the lowest functioning two percent of those who survive birth. They are generally referred to us by one of the area hospitals or by the Guilford County Health Department.
In addition to cognitive and therapeutic intervention, we provide nursing services, referral services, and parental/caregiver training concerning educational, medical, and feeding needs. In-home training sessions occur monthly. Counseling sessions occur monthly at Gateway covering such topics as Parenting A Child With Disabilities, Feeding, Access To Community Agencies, Grief, and Isolation.
At age three, our children become the educational responsibility of the Guilford County Schools. Just before age three, they are evaluated based on nationally standardized tests, and their parents/caregivers, in consultation with our professional staff and that of the Schools, determine an Individual Education Plan for each. Some will move into a regular pre-kindergarden classroom; some will remain at Gateway in its school-age program. Gateway Education Center.