Greensboro Transit Authority (GTA)

Address: 223 W. Meadowview Rd.
Greensboro, NC 27406
Phone: (336) 412-6309 Website:

Greensboro Transit Authority serves our residents and visitors with efficient public transportation services. GTA is operated by the City of Greensboro Public Transportation Division under the direction of the GTA Board.

SCAT Para transit: (please visit our "SCAT" page for details)

SCAT is the Greensboro Transit Authority's shared-ride transportation service for eligible riders who have a disability that prevents them from riding the fixed route bus.

There are three types of certification granted to eligible SCAT clients: full, conditional, and temporary certification. Full certification is granted to those who are unable to use the fixed route bus system. Conditional certification is granted to those who are able to use the fixed route bus system, but their disability prohibits 100 percent travel on the bus due to possible barriers for safe travel to or from the bus stop. Temporary certification is granted when a person has a disability that prevents the use of the fixed route bus during the length of their short-term disability.

A client may be eligible for door-to-door or curb-to-curb service once the application and site assessment review are completed.

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