Groveland Elementary School

Address: 375 W 170 N.
Blackfoot, ID 83221
Phone: (208) 785-8829 Fax: (208) 7858859 Email: Website:

At Groveland Elementary School our wonderful staff works tirelessly to provide the best possible education while students strive to adhere to our motto stating, “Excellence in Education to Ensure the Future with Success Today.”
I encourage you to become active in our PTA this year. These funds provide monies for field trips, equipment, supplies, and programs that benefit our children. I also encourage you to support our annual fundraising activities. These funds provide additional funds to support Groveland students school-wide.

Finally, if your child needs additional support or if you have a concern please don’t hesitate to contact their teacher. It is our mission to support your child in whatever way we can. Groveland Elementary School is fortunate to have resources to support students and their families. Remember “Excellence in Education to Ensure the Future with Success Today”. On behalf of the entire staff at Groveland Elementary School we thank you for your support and cooperation. Welcome to the New School Year!

Was Your Child's CP Preventable?