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Hahn~Hufford Center of Hope – Rehabilitation Center for Neurological Development
"Our Mission: To offer those with special needs the opportunity to achieve their maximum potential utilizing individualized neurodevelopmental, neuroeducational and wellness programs. To offer the general community the opportunity to increase their well-being utilizing a variety of services within the wellness program.
Centers and Services: (please visit our website for details)
Rehabilitation Center for Neurological Development:
Individualized Neurodevelopmental program to help each client reach their Maximum Potential.
Neurodevelopmental Specialist- Individual Session concentrating on areas such as speech, fine motor, cognitive, perceptual therapy and academics.
Nicholas School:
*Chartered as a non-public K-8th grade special needs school
*Students are instructed academically according to the Ohio Department of Education Operating Standards for Elementary and Secondary Schools
*A developmentally oriented program that incorporates perceptual motor skill training into the academic setting through individual or small group classes
Brain Wellness Center:
*EEG Neurofeedback training is a learning strategy that provides the brain with information that helps normalize brain wave activity
*A painless, non-invasive procedure that allows the trainee to progress at their own pace and normalize mechanisms that regulate the body
*Improves Learning Disabilities, ADD/ADHD, Anxiety & Panic Attacks, Depression, Sleep Disorders, Stress, Migraine Headaches and more
Aquatic Therapy & Wellness Center:
*A full sized heated indoor pool provides the perfect setting for pool therapy administered by our pool therapists. Some of the benefits are improved circulation, relaxation, rhythmic deep breathing, reduction of arthritic pain and increased control of paretic limbs
*Foot Reflexology and Massage Therapy services are offered thru our Wellness Center for a separate fee
Afterschool Program:
The Afterschool 10-week Intensive Neurodevelopmental Program, is specifically designed to address the unique needs of 6 to 10 year old elementary students who are displaying delays and difficulties in their current academic setting. These children are in the early stages of their educational journey and can benefit the most from an intervention at this early age. The program is open to children residing in the Miami and surrounding counties.
The purpose of the after school program is to provide an innovative, proven and effective series of neurodevelopmental activities that are designed to improve neurological organization of each participant. As neurological organization improves academic performance will ultimately improve.