Hearing Loss Association of Delaware

Address: 263 W. Chestnut Hill Rd
Newark, DE 19713
Phone: (302) 530-0102 Email: hlade@comcast.net Website: https://hearinglossdelaware.org/

The Mission of the Hearing Loss Association of America – and the Hearing Loss Association of Delaware, Inc. (HLADE) – is to open the world of communication to all individuals with hearing loss – adults and children alike – by providing information, education, support and advocacy.

They support children and adults with hearing loss through support groups, advocacy, education & training programs, and on-line support and collaborative partnerships with other organizations. We support families, caregivers and professionals that want to learn more about people with hearing loss and how to help them. They provide support in setting up local support groups called “Circle Chats” across the state.

They work to help consumers and others to learn all they can about hearing loss and all the options available so people with hearing loss can help themselves, connect with others that are deaf or hard of hearing and open doors for others.

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