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Homefront Health Care – East Bay Office
Homefront Health Care is a nonprofit home health care organization that has been caring for Rhode Islanders since 1966. From its six locations, its compassionate and caring staff of 350 nurses, therapists, CNAs, homemakers, and companions make more than 150,000 home care visits each year throughout the state. Although there is a wide variety of application of home health care, Homefront specializes in the care of chronically ill people, including frail elders, adults with disabilities, and children with special health care needs. What sets Homefront apart is the ability to manage long-term relationships with so many of our clients. This includes the assistance of our experienced nurse managers who are knowledgeable about community resources as well as our direct care workers. Homefront Health Care provides an array of home care services to people of all ages to assist in recovery from illness and to maintain the independence of living at home: Nurses; Certified Nursing Assistants; Homemakers; Therapists; Companions; Emergency Response Devices.
Keywords: Medical, Support, Respite, Therapy, Rehabilitation