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Hope Community Resources – Wasilla / Mat-Su Valley Region
The Mat-Su Region is home to the newest endeavor at Hope, the Willow “4-Paws” Ranch. Started in 2007, the 70-acre parcel has went from a farm house and rundown outbuildings to a ranch that is home to a renovated farm house, a new duplex, a very large barn, a bunk house, an off the grid energy system, a garden, four yaks, two horses, and several pigs, goats, turkeys, geese and chickens. Working the land and maintaining the ranch are four guys who have chosen this type of lifestyle through Hope, along with their support staff.
Areas Served: Wasilla, Palmer, Sutton, Big Lake, Houston and Talkeetna
Services Specific to this Region: Hope owns/leases seven assisted living homes and provides supports to four private family habilitation homes in this region, along with the Willow Ranch operation
Contact Information:
Hope Community Resources, Inc.
4901 E. Mayflower Ln., Ste. B
Wasilla, AK 99654
Phone (907) 357-3750/Fax (907) 357-3751